The Chamber’s Business with a Purpose Network Supports Nonprofits

The Chamber’s new Business with a Purpose (BWAP) is a volunteer network of young professionals that are committed to working with local nonprofits to further their missions, by donating their time and services pro bono.
The network is open to professionals 45 years and under, who have demonstrated a drive to connect community and commerce through volunteering on projects and organizational needs of nonprofits. With over 40 nonprofit members, there is a superlative opportunity to support a diverse representation of organizations that serve numerous members of the community.
BWAP volunteers offer free services such as professional guidance in marketing, finance, professional development, health and wellness. They are also able to help with organization’s day to day tasks, projects and special events. Nonprofits have the ability to determine what assistance they receive, and can obtain help for a variety of needs.
The Chamber decided to focus on young professionals for this network specifically, because Gen Z and Millennials have demonstrated an incessant desire to want to give back to their communities. They have donated and volunteered in record numbers, especially since the pandemic started.
These generations are morally inclined to work for companies that have a greater impact on the environment, community and world. They thrive on the internet and find most of the causes they support there as well. Not to mention that the World Wide Web has catapulted nonprofit organizations into the spotlight through social media and word of mouth. Donating and volunteering is also easier now more than ever, since one can contribute to their favorite cause with simply a few clicks on a smartphone.
This philanthropic shift will most likely lead to even younger generations being more open minded and caring about the greater good. The trends of seeking out supportive employers, sharing generosity via social media, and concentrating on social impact continuously remain at the forefront. BWAP is yet another way that young professionals can impact their communities, and continue to be one of the most giving generations yet.