Business with a Purpose (BWAP) is a volunteer network of professionals within the Chamber committed to working with local Chamber nonprofits to further their missions.
The BWAP committee is open to young professionals 45 years and under who demonstrate a drive to connect community and commerce. All Chamber members are welcome to join the volunteer network by donating their services pro bono, and volunteering on projects and organizational needs of nonprofits. With over 40 nonprofit members, it is a superlative opportunity to support a diverse representation of organizations that serve numerous members of the community.
BWAP volunteers offer free services such as professional guidance in marketing, finance, professional development, health and wellness. They are also able to help with organization’s day to day tasks, projects and special events. Nonprofits have the ability to determine what assistance they receive, and can obtain help for a variety of needs. To request services as a nonprofit or become a BWAP volunteer please fill out one of the corresponding forms below.
Business with a Purpose is exclusively for Chamber member nonprofits and Chamber member professionals.
Program Sponsor:
Community Bulletin Board | Catalyst Center for Nonprofit Management (includes nonprofit employment opportunities and board positions)
To request services as a Chamber nonprofit:
To volunteer as a Chamber member:
Business with a Purpose Committee:
Co-chairs: Andrew Champagne, Morgan Stanley, andrew.champagne@morganstanley.com
Carolyn Watson, Ambler Savings Bank, cwatson@amblersav.com
Dan Cook, American Heritage Federal Credit Union - dcook@amhfcu.org
Jessica Deery, Bonefish Grill - JessicaDeery@BonefishGrill.com
Samantha Douglas, Wissahickon Trails - samantha@wissahickontrails.org
Leah George, Caesar Rivise - lgeorge@crbcp.com
Maggie Herrity, Care & Share Thrift Shoppes - mherrity@careandshareshoppes.org
For questions contact info@chambergmc.org or any member of the committee
Amanda Piccirilli Hall, Ainsley Angels in Southeastern PA - southeastpa@ainsleyangels.org
David Williams - Harleysville Bank